#si barber

The Big Society

©Si Barber Moral rights asserted.

The Big Society

©Si Barber Moral rights asserted.

The Big Society

©Si Barber Moral rights asserted.

The Big Society

©Si Barber Moral rights asserted.

The Big Society

©Si Barber Moral rights asserted.

The Big Society

©Si Barber Moral rights asserted.

Biker meet up in The Crown pub, Littleport, Ely, Cambridgeshire.


At the Knicat Cafe, Downham Market,Norfolk.


Mummers recreating the legend of St George & the Dragon on St George’s Day, Downham Market, Norfolk. The dragon is played by the town's mayor, Frank Daymond, St George by Councillor David Sharman.


A butcher delivering meat to ZP & VP Butchers in King’s Lynn, Norfolk,UK

Si Barber

Cliff Carnival Parade, Navenby,Lincolnshire

Si Barber

Prospect House, Southery, Norfolk. Built in 1907 for a farm manager and their family in such a way that the land in cultivation and in particular its workers could be continually observed. The home was ultimately abandoned due to subsidence which was a fate that similar properties in the Fens suffered. In subsequent years such buildings were reinforced with concrete underpinnings to attenuate the effects of the wet land, but often to little effect.


A demonstration against the prorogation of Parliament in King’s Lynn, Norfolk,UK, 2019.

Squash covered in frost in an roadside honesty box, Stoke Ferry, Norfolk.

A Tullos threshing machine up for sale at a dispersal auction of the late Jessie Watson, farmer of Littleport, Cambridgeshire. Mr Watson purchased the vehicle in 1946 and paid for it to be transported to the Fens by train from Aberdeen, Scotland. Then it required three workers to operate it and another to tow it by tractor. Today, its tasks can be completed by one person.

Migrants in Wisbech Cambridgeshire.

migrant workers seeking work in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire.

Si Barber

After his resignation as prime minister in September 2022, Boris Johnson's portrait is removed from the wall and Winston Churchill resumes his place of prominence at King's Lynn Conservative Club, Norfolk.


Shippea Hill rail station in Cambridgeshire. The request-only stop was once famous for being the least used station in Britain. In latter years it became more popular as migrant workers commuted from the villages surrounding the Ely interchange to catch the 07.17 train for the nine minute ride to Shippea Hill where they would be mini-bussed to the packhouses of the Fens which surround the towns of Soham and Mildenhall. However, during the Covid pandemic demand fell away as many workers returned to their countries of origin when it was thought that having the jab would become a condition of employment.

Agostinho from Portugal waits for the agency minibus to take him to work. A 'limb' worker in Wisbech, he has no contract of employment and is often employed on a daily basis for cash.

New Roots, Old Soil

Babak, a Hungarian of Iranian descent waits for his friends in Wisbech market place on a Saturday afternoon wearing his new jeans. Taking advantage of the Citizens' Rights Directive 2004/38/EC he came to the UK for work and is employed in a vegetable packing factory on the edge of the town. Initially working the night shift he has recently been promoted to team leader and now works days.